本书由中国计量科学研究院凌善康研究员等审阅。该书系统阐明从室温至1 K的低温范围内,测量热物理参数、揭示制冷与低温装置内部过程的动态特性及其定量描述的原理与方法,它以建立新体系为特色,是一本内容较全面而又实用的书。全书共八章.第一章以温度测量为中
This book is reviewed by Researcher Ling Shankang of China Institute of Metrology. The book systematically illustrates the principles and methods for measuring the thermophysical parameters measured from room temperature to low temperatures in the 1 K range and revealing the dynamic characteristics of the internal processes in cryogenic and cryogenic plants and their quantitative descriptions. It features a new system and is a More comprehensive and practical book. The book a total of eight chapters. The first chapter is based on temperature measurement