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沙生绿色豆芽,投资少,占地少,密度大,周转快。是城市下岗职工和城郊农民的致富好项目。首先,选择大小一致,成熟好,无病虫害、无杂质、无损伤种豆。各种大豆均可用于生产(黄豆、黑豆、青豆、褐皮豆等)。把选好的种豆漂捞干净,直接放入容器中,每5公斤种豆用2毫升的无根增粗剂1支浸种,每公斤干豆加水2公斤,拌匀。浸种时间:夏季4-6小时,春秋两季12小时,冬季24小时。可用空闲房或大棚,场地可不断循环反复使用。直接播种在地面(水泥地、泥土地均可)。先在地面上铺一层沙(河沙、建房用沙均可),厚度3.3厘米,用薄木板刮平。浸胀的种豆直接撒入铺好的沙畦中,每平方米以2.5-3公斤干豆为宜,豆籽要均匀地抛撒到沙面上,不留空隙,也不要成堆成团,豆子撒完后盖沙,先把撒落在畦四周的豆子刮入畦内,再把新沙轻轻地撒在种豆上面。播种后1-2天,要是气温在20摄氏度,沙畦里水分蒸发量不大,若播种时 Sand green bean sprouts, less investment, less land, density, fast turnover. Urban laid-off workers and suburban farmers get rich good project. First, choose the same size, mature, no pests, no impurities, no damage beans. A variety of soybeans can be used for production (soybeans, black beans, green beans, brown beans, etc.). The selected beans drift fishing clean, directly into the container, every 5 kg of beans with 2 ml rootless thickening agents soaked 1 kg, 2 kg of water per kg of dry beans, mix well. Soaking time: 4-6 hours in summer, spring and autumn 12 hours, winter 24 hours. Available free room or shed, the venue can be recycled repeatedly. Direct sowing on the ground (cement, mud can be). Lay a layer of sand on the ground first (river sand, building sand can be), the thickness of 3.3 cm, with a thin wood plano. Swollen seeds planted directly into the sand into the sand, in order to 2.5-3 kg per square meter of dried beans is appropriate, bean seeds should be evenly sprinkled onto the sand surface, leaving no gaps, do not piles into groups, After the beans are sprinkled on the cover, the beans scattered around them are scraped into the inside, and then the new sand is gently sprinkled over the beans. 1-2 days after sowing, if the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, sand water evaporation is not, if sown