1994年6月12日,一纸诉状摆在青岛市南区人民法院的案头:青岛迎宾馆状告青岛某房地产开发公司和某广告公司广告用语侵犯其名誉权。 “青岛迎宾馆”是19世纪初德国人占领青岛后建成的一座具有典型欧洲风格的古堡式建筑。历史几经变迁,到了国民党时期,当时的市长沈鸿烈题字将其改为“迎宾馆”,一直沿用至今。迎宾馆座落在青岛的繁华市区,依山傍海。以其独特的建筑风格与优美宜人的环境而引誉国内外。解放后,这里曾接待过毛泽东主席及外国许多国家元首、贵宾,召开过中央政治局扩大会议。被山东省列为重要文物保护单位。
On June 12, 1994, a bill was filed in the People’s Court of Southern District of Qingdao: Qingdao Guest House sued a real estate development company in Qingdao and an advertising company for violating its reputation. Qingdao Guest House is a typical European-style castle-style building built by the Germans after their occupation of Qingdao in the early 19th century. After several changes in history, to the Kuomintang period, when the mayor Shen Honglie inscription will be changed to “Guest House”, has been in use today. Guest House is located in the bustling urban area of Qingdao, hillside sea. With its unique architectural style and beautiful and pleasant environment and reputation at home and abroad. After the liberation, here had hosted Chairman Mao Zedong and many foreign heads of state and guests, held an enlarged meeting of the Central Political Bureau. Shandong Province as an important cultural relics protection units.