印尼拉力赛是1995年亚太拉力赛的首站比赛。据组织者说,本届比赛是有史以来规模最大的一次。中国车手卢宁军也首次以555富士车队的身份出国参赛。 在英美烟草公司的赞助下,由16位中国记者组成的拉力报道团,也首次赴海外采访拉力赛。临行前,笔者曾问有关方面,为何选定采访印尼拉力赛。答曰,印尼拉力赛是组织得最好的拉力赛。 古代战场 今日赛场 印尼拉力赛7月7日—9日在印尼苏门答腊岛首府棉兰举行。“棉兰”是印尼语“战场”的意思,因为古代日里和亚齐两国曾在此大战。后来,前者巧用牛群助战取得胜利。当地人至今崇拜牛,棉兰街头到处可见双尖角大屋顶建筑。今日的棉兰已成为印尼北部的新旅游区,比赛有一天就在风景怡人的多巴湖畔过夜。 亚太拉力赛今年共有6站,主要竞争车队只有两家:555富士车队和三菱车队。与以往不同的是,今年的亚太拉力赛中的新西兰拉力赛和澳大利亚拉力赛也是世锦赛的一站比赛,所以又有“小世锦赛”之称。 亚太赛的积分统计方法与去年不同。车队积分中,每个车队必须有两部以上(但不得超过3部)赛车参加,但仅计算各队一部赛车的4站最好成绩。车手积分也只计算4
Rally Indonesia is the first race of the 1995 Asia Pacific Rally. According to the organizers, this competition is the largest ever. Chinese driver Lu Ningjun also made his debut as a 555 Fuji team. Under the patronage of British American Tobacco, the Rally Report Team composed of 16 Chinese reporters also went abroad for the first time to interview rally. Prior to departure, I asked the parties concerned why I chose to interview the Rally Indonesia. The answer is that Rally Indonesia is the best organized rally. Ancient battlefield Today’s race Indonesia Rally July 7-9 in Sumatra, capital of Indonesia held in Medan. “Medan” is the Indonesian “battlefield” means, because ancient Japan and Aceh both countries had this war. Later, the former skillfully used cattle herd to win. The locals have been worshiping cattle so far, with double-pointed big roof buildings everywhere on Medan Street. Today’s Medan has become a new tourist area in northern Indonesia, the game one day overnight in the scenic Lake Toba. The Asia Pacific Rally has a total of 6 stations this year with only two major competition teams: 555 Fuji and Mitsubishi. Different from the past, this year’s Asia-Pacific Rally New Zealand rally and the Australian Rally World Championship is also one-stop race, so there are “small world championships,” said. Asia-Pacific points integral statistics method different from last year. In the team points, each team must have two or more (but not more than three) cars to participate, but only calculate the best 4 points in a team car. Driver points are only calculated 4