经过三年多的磨合,前国家网球队教练王越将两颗小星星托进职业化轨道,一颗是17岁的柏衍,来自江苏南京;一颗是16岁的陈卅,来自辽宁锦州。两位都曾摘得几次不同年龄组全国冠军的少年羽翼渐丰,柏衍勇夺2006年亚洲青少年锦标赛单打冠军,ITF 世界排名闯进前50,而进攻型选手陈卅,来华传道的吉尔伯特说,如果调教有方,再给他更多机会,他就能进 ATP 前100。
After more than three years of running-in, Wang Yue, former coach of the national tennis team, put two small stars onto the professional track. One is Bo Yan, 17, from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The other is Chen Kui, 16, from Liaoning Jinzhou. Both youngsters, both of whom won the national championships in different age groups, fled to fame. Bo Yan, who won the Asian Junior Championships 2006 singles title, ITF ranked in the top 50 in the world rankings, while offensive player Chen Kui, Gilbert said he would be able to score 100 in the ATP if he was well-tuned and given more opportunities.