2006年11月7日,东京——冲电气工业株式会社(以下简称OKI)报道,即日起开始销售在日本通信市场上独占鳌头的客户联络中心系统[CTstage]的最新版本[CTstage 5i]。为满足大容量、高品质客户联络中心的需求,通过融合OKI的CTI(注1)与IP-PBX(注2)技术,新版本系统保留了以往系统的灵活性及易用性等显著特色,并将之升级为坚固性及扩展性表现都非常优异的系统。[CTstage 5i]实现了系统的单一结构,优秀的扩展性使其能帮助企业构筑从几个席位到几千个席位的IP客户联络中心。[CTstage 5i]的开始销售,使OKI在呼叫中心的产品销售阵容更为全面而丰富,其中可低成本构筑的入门级标准化系统将于2007年1月开始向市场供货。作为连接顾客与企业的信息接入点,目
On November 7, 2006, Tokyo-OKI announced that it will start selling the latest version of CTstage [CTstage 5i], which is the leading customer contact center system in Japan’s communications market. To meet the needs of high-capacity, high-quality customer contact centers, the new version retains the remarkable features of previous system flexibility and ease-of-use by incorporating OKI’s CTI 1 and IP-PBX 2 technologies. And upgrade it to a system that is both rugged and scalable. [CTstage 5i] has implemented a single system architecture with outstanding scalability to enable companies to build IP customer contact centers from a few seats to thousands of seats. The start-up of [CTstage 5i] will make OKI’s product sales lineup more comprehensive and informative in call centers, with a low-cost, entry-level, standardized system to begin shipping to the market in January 2007. As an information access point to connect customers and businesses