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由于义务兵役制的推行,我省今年复员建设军人的接收安置工作任务,必将相当繁重。这项工作做的好坏,直接关联着国防建设和今后义务兵役制的推行和农业社会主义的改造。因此做好复员建设军人的接收安置工作,是各级党政和人民羣众的一项光荣的政治任务。为此,提出如下几项要求:一、各市、专、县转业建设委员会,虽有组织机构,但根据了解,多数不够健全。为了做好今年复员军人的接收安置工作,各市、专、县的领导按照今年各该市、卑、县复员建设工作任务,必须将原有转业建设委员会组织机构加以适当调整,配备足够的力量,明确分工,有机配合,并指定各项工作的负责专人,以期顺利完成这项工作任务。二、太原市、雁北、运城、长治等接收站,虽设有专编人员做接收工作,唯原编制人员有限,本年接收任务较大,在接收任务集中的时 Due to the implementation of the compulsory military service, the task of demobilizing and building military personnel in our province this year will surely be quite heavy. The quality of this work is directly linked to the implementation of national defense construction and future compulsory military service and the reform of agricultural socialism. Therefore, it is an honorable political task for party and government at all levels and the masses of the people to do a good job in demobilization of the reception and resettlement of military personnel. To this end, made the following requirements: First, cities, prefectures and counties to go into the construction committee, although the organization, but based on understanding, the majority are not sound enough. In order to do a good job in receiving and resettiting demobilized military personnel this year, the leaders of cities, specialties and counties must, according to the task of demobilizing construction in cities, hilly areas and counties in this year, appropriately adjust the organizational structure of the original demobilization and construction committee with adequate strength, Clear division of labor, organic cooperation, and designated the person in charge of various tasks, with a view to successfully complete the task. Second, Taiyuan, Yanbei, Yuncheng, Changzhi and other receiving stations, although there is a special staff to do the receiving work, only the original staffing is limited, this year to receive a larger task, receiving the task concentrated
2000年 5月6日至5月11日,比利时海军《万德拉尔》号导弹护卫舰在舰长鲁特曼斯海军中校率领下抵达上海海军杨子江码头,开始对上海进行为期6天的友好访问。访问期间,随舰来访
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