海盐县棉花生产上普遍采用营养钵育苗移栽 ,少有直播棉 ,棉农对营养钵育苗技术的掌握运用比较熟练 ,能顺利过好苗关。 1995年 ,海盐县引进包衣棉种新技术 ,由于习惯使然 ,不少棉农仍按老办法行事 ,致使包衣棉种的应用未能达到预期的效果 ,一时议论纷纷 ,包衣棉种的推广遇到了不
Haiyan cotton production commonly used nutrition seedling transplanting seedlings, few direct-seeded cotton, cotton growers nutrition bowl nutrition master the use of more skilled, can be a good seedling clearance. In 1995, due to the accustomed conditions, many farmers still acted in accordance with the old methods, causing the application of coated cotton seeds to fail to achieve the desired effect. In the meantime, many discussions were held about the promotion of coated cotton seeds Encountered no