目前市场上出现形形色色的保护屏装置,有些厂告宣传失实或夸张,阅读本文后,也许对您选购到满意的产品会有帮助。 首先澄清几个问题,有些广告宣传说:“保护屏可以改善荧光屏发出的光色,使光色更柔和阅目,收看效果更好”。这种说法是不妥的,因为黑白或彩色显像管所发出的光色,是由不同的荧光粉及多种荧光粉合理组合来决定的。只要用户提出喜欢哪种光色,显像管厂都能满足要求,根本不需要利用保护屏来校正
Currently on the market there are all kinds of protective screen device, some factory advertised false or exaggerated, read this article, you may purchase the satisfied product will be helpful. First of all, to clarify a few issues, some advertising said: “The protection of the screen can improve the color light emitted by the screen, the light color more gentle reading, watching better.” This view is not proper, because black and white or color picture tube issued by the light color, by a variety of different phosphors and a variety of phosphors to determine the reasonable combination. As long as the user who likes what kind of light color, tube factory can meet the requirements, there is no need to use the protective screen to correct