制造业是我国国民经济的核心和工业化的原动力 ,我国制造业工业总产值约占全国GDP的 4 2 5 %。“十五”期间 ,作为以信息化带动工业化战略的重要组成部分 ,科技部将组织实施制造业信息化工程。其目标是在“九五”CAD(计算机辅助设计 )应用工程和CIMS (计算机集成制?
Manufacturing industry is the core of China’s national economy and the driving force behind industrialization. The total output value of China’s manufacturing industry accounts for approximately 42.5 percent of the country’s GDP. During the “10th Five-Year Plan” period, the Ministry of Science and Technology will organize the implementation of the manufacturing informationization project as an important part of the strategy of using IT to drive industrialization. Its goal is in the “Ninth Five Year” CAD (Computer Aided Design) Application Engineering and CIMS (Computer Integrated System?