蔡元培先生是中国民俗学的开拓者与保护人 ,早年即进行了许多民俗调查研究、记述和翻译工作 ,多次留学欧洲时均以民俗学 (民族学 )为主要学习与研究的内容。归国后在北京大学与中央研究院都大力提倡民俗研究 ,对中国民俗学的建立和发展起了关键性的作用 ,在民俗学基本理论与方法上有许多精辟的论述。晚年更专注于民俗研究 ,“颇欲研究民族学以终老”。
Mr. Cai Yuanpei is a pioneer and protector of Chinese folklore. In his early years, he conducted many investigations, studies and translations of folklore. During his many studies in Europe, he mainly studied folklore (ethnology) as the main content of study and research. After returning to China, both Peking University and Academia Sinica advocated folklore research strongly and played a key role in the establishment and development of Chinese folklore. There are many incisive discussions on the basic theories and methods of folklore. In his later years more focused on folklore research, “rather intended to study ethnology to the end.”