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体育与经济是相互联系、相互制约的。研究体育与经济之间的联系可以揭示体育对经济的依赖关系,以及体育对社会经济发展的作用。经济的发展为体育的发展提供物质技术条件和财力基础,又向体育事业提出新的需求。一、经济状况决定体育发展的规模和水平作为人类精神文明组成部分的体育,是社会物质文明和精神文明发展的产物,它的产生是以社会物质生产的一定发展水平为基础的。体育事业的发展规模和速度取决于社会生产的发展水平,取决于物质资料生产能为社会提供多少剩余产品,能提供什么样的物质技术条件和多少体育活动经费,能提供多少可用于体育活动的自由时间(即闲暇时间);同时,也取 Sports and economy are interconnected and mutually restrained. Studying the connection between sports and economy can reveal the dependence of sports on economy and the role of sports in social and economic development. Economic development provides the physical, technical and financial resources for the development of sports and puts forward new demands for sports. I. The Economic Situation Determines the Size and Level of Sports Development Physical education as an integral part of human spiritual civilization is a product of the development of social material and spiritual civilizations. Its emergence is based on a certain level of development of social material production. The scale and speed of the development of sports depends on the level of development of social production, depending on how much material production can provide the community with the remaining products, what kind of physical and technical conditions can be provided and how much sports activities can provide, how much can be provided for sports activities Free time (ie leisure time); the same time, also take
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1997年底 ,日本学者报道了一种与肝功能异常有关的DNA病毒 ,并命名为TT病毒 (TTV) [1] 。为了解我国病因不明肝炎患者中TTV感染状况 ,我们采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)和原位杂交的方法检测了血清
1资料与方法1.1临床资料本组107例,均为我科1997年10月-1998年10月门诊患者。男79例,女28例。年龄19~62岁,其中19~25岁46例,26~50岁50例,50岁以上11例;平均年龄31. 2± 2. 4岁;病程 3天~ 1年。 91例有婚外 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical
例 1 男 ,6 5岁。右腰背部胀痛、皮肤变黑 3个月入院。7岁时曾患过肺结核。入院时血压稳定 ,全身皮肤黑 ,双下肢凹陷性水肿。胸部 X线平片及肺 CT检查正常。 B超提示 :右肾