英国伦敦帝国理工学院和伦敦大学学院的研究人员一项新的研究显示,与开车上班的人相比,走路上班的人患糖尿病的风险减少了近40%。研究人员对20 000英国人进行了问卷式调查,以了解他们如何上班,并分析各项健康指标,看其中是否有关联性。结果发现,与自己开车或坐出租车去上班的人相比,骑
A new study by researchers at the Imperial College London and the University College London in England shows that people who walk to work have a nearly 40% lower risk of developing diabetes than people who drive to work. Researchers conducted a questionnaire survey of 20 000 Britons to find out how they went to work and analyzed various health indicators to see if they were related. The results showed that, compared with people who drive or take a taxi to work, riding