7月3日,北京银信地产倾力打造的康城Ⅱ香草天空,终于迎来了众盼所归的一天。“格调别墅、浪漫365”的现场开放庆典当日,认购现场人头攒动,客户抢购的热情空前高涨,认购客户大多都当场签下订单。经统计,当天认购90套,共计销售1.35亿元。其实,这次活动让开发商收获甚丰,是缘于庆典中还有一个高尔夫赛式。活动主办方为来宾准备了“一枰进洞奖宝马 X5”的惊喜大奖和多项离洞最近奖。此举吸引了许多热爱高尔夫球运动的来宾在康城高尔夫俱乐部同场竞技,冲击大奖。除了宝马 X5的惊喜大奖外,开发商北京银信兴业房地产开发有限公司还为参赛选手准备了多项离洞最近奖。据悉,此次活动引来参观者近5000人。本次赛事将高尔夫运动时尚魅力与浪漫的生活氛围完美地结合在一起,同时,开发商精心安排的冷餐和烧烤活动也成为家人朋友共享美味、纵情畅谈的空间。乐队现场助兴和精彩的演出营造出一个极具高雅情调的浪漫氛围,当晚于郊野公园放映的法国浪漫经典影片更是将这种氛围渲染到极致。
July 3, Beijing Yinxin real estate effort to build Cannes II vanilla sky, finally ushered in the hope of the day. “Style villa, romantic 365 ” site opening day, the subscription site full of people, the unprecedented enthusiasm of customers snapped up, most subscribed customers signed the spot on the spot. The statistics, the day subscription 90 sets, a total sales of 135 million yuan. In fact, this event developers harvest very much, is due to the celebration there is a golf tournament. Event organizers prepared for the guests, “a hole-hole award BMW X5” surprise awards and a number of holes from the nearest prize. The move attracted many golf-loving guests at the Cannes Golf Club at the same competition, impact award. In addition to surprise awards BMW X5, the developer Beijing Yinxin Xingye Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. also prepared for the contestants a number of holes from the nearest prize. It is reported that the event attracted nearly 5,000 visitors. This event perfectly combines the charm of fashion with the romantic atmosphere of life. At the same time, the carefully arranged cold meals and barbecue activities by the developers have also become a space where family and friends can enjoy delicious and indulgent talk. The band lively and wonderful performances to create a very elegant atmosphere of the romantic atmosphere, the evening of the country park show romantic French classic film is to render this atmosphere to the extreme.