土壤酸化是土壤形成过程中的一种自然的生物地球化学过程 ,植物在这一过程中起着重要的作用。本文重点从植物的矿质养分主动吸收、植物代谢产物等方面讨论了植物对红壤的酸化作用及其致酸可能机理。对全面认识红壤酸化原因 ,正确认识利用耐酸植物适应酸化土壤的过程中对土壤与环境的影响具有重要的理论意义
Soil acidification is a natural biogeochemical process in soil formation. Plants play an important role in this process. This article focuses on the plant from the active absorption of mineral nutrients, plant metabolites and other aspects of the acidification of plants on the red soil and its possible mechanism of acid. It is of great theoretical significance to fully understand the reason of acidification of red soils and correctly understand the influence of acid-tolerant plants on the soil and environment in the process of acidified soils