由中国化工学会农药专业委员会、全国农药信息总站组织编写的大型农药专业图书——《农药商品信息手册》(ISBN 978-7-122-27929-3),日前已由化学工业出版社正式公开出版发行。本手册以“权威、全面、新颖、实用”为宗旨,分为杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂、农药商品信息手册植物生长调节剂和其他农药五大部分,全面系统收录了1600余个农药品种,详细介绍了每个农药品种的中、英文通用名
Pesticide Professional Committee of China Chemical Society, the National Pesticide Information Station organized by the preparation of large-scale pesticide books - “Pesticide Information” (ISBN 978-7-122-27929-3), has recently been published by the Chemical Industry Press issued. This manual is based on the principle of “authority, comprehensiveness, novelty and practicality” and is divided into five parts: pesticides, bactericides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and other pesticides, and contains over 1,600 Pesticide varieties, details of each pesticide varieties in common names in English