坏血病是长期缺乏维生素C所引起、以毛细血管脆性增加和骨骼变化为主要特征的疾病。本文介绍2例误诊病例,以便从中吸取教训。病例1:患儿,女,l 10/12岁。双下肢肿痛不能站立1个月,当地医院诊断为“小儿麻痹症”,用针灸和按摩治疗无效转来我院。患儿出生后一直用奶粉加小米面喂养,未加蔬菜和水果。服过小儿麻痹糖丸,当地无小儿麻痹症流行。体格检查:营养状况差,面色苍白,双下肢轻度肿胀,不发红,不能站立,不能伸直,呈屈曲状,形如蛙腿,触痛明显,检查时哭叫。皮肤有散在性出血点,牙龈红肿有渗血。心肺正常,
Scurvy is a chronic disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, characterized by increased capillary fragility and skeletal changes. This article describes two cases of misdiagnosis in order to learn from it. Case 1: Children, female, l 10/12 years old. Double leg swelling and pain can not stand for 1 month, the local hospital diagnosed as “polio”, with acupuncture and massage treatment invalid transfer to our hospital. Children have been born with milk and millet noodles feeding, without vegetables and fruits. Poliomyelitis pill served local polio epidemic. Physical examination: poor nutritional status, pale, mild swelling of both lower extremities, not redness, can not stand, can not be straight, was curved, shaped like a frog leg, tenderness, crying when the inspection. Skin scattered bleeding point, swollen gums have bleeding. Cardiopulmonary normal,