
来源 :中国纪检监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smilezhangnan
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严惩腐败、正风肃纪的大背景下,有的认为“打虎拍蝇”力度太大,搞得干部人心惶惶,会影响党和政府的形象,是不是过头了?有的认为反对“四风”太严太细,捆住干部手脚,甚至影响经济发展,是不是太过了……对于此类认识,我们必须保持清醒头脑,深刻剖析并坚决反击。不断增强反腐败的战略定力。当前,防止腐败和“四风”反弹任务艰巨。这是一场输不起的斗争,一旦出现反弹,后果不堪设想。因此我们不仅不能有丝毫的松劲,而且还要持续发力,决战决胜。应对当前各种形式的杂音,只能有一种姿态、一种声音——以壮士断腕的勇气将反腐败进行到底。 Under the background of severely punishing corruption and ruling the wind, some people think that “the tiger beating the tiger” is too great. Doing so makes the cadres panic and affect the image of the party and the government. Is it overdone? Some people think that opposition “Four Wind ” too strict and too thin, tied cadre hands and feet, and even affect economic development, is not too much ... ... For such understanding, we must keep a clear head, a profound analysis and resolute counterattack. Constantly enhance the strategic strength of fighting corruption. At present, preventing corruption and “four winds” rebound difficult task. This is an irresistible struggle. Once a rebound occurs, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, not only can we not have the slightest slackness, but we must also make persistent efforts to make a decisive battle. To cope with all kinds of murmur in the current situation, there can only be one attitude and one voice - to end the fight against corruption with the bravery of a warrior.
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大数据、云计算、物联网,这些概念会给图书馆等公共文化场所带来怎样的变化呢?这里的服务场景和内容,希望带给您并不遥远的一瞥。 Big data, cloud computing, the Internet