立足青城 铸造中国西北汽配业航母基地——内蒙古京源港国际汽配城

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商机篇/OPPORTUNITY西北汽车后市场“钱”景无限07年内蒙古民用汽车拥有量由1990年的12.73万辆增加到了147.54万辆,增长了10.6倍,年均增长15.5%。其中,私家车由1.81万辆增加到了116.93万辆,增长63.6倍,年均增长27.8%。尤其是首府呼和浩特市在两年多时间里,汽车保有量增长了53%,其中私家车拥有量增长66%,08年底汽车保有辆接近30万辆。从07年至08年呼市汽车上牌量每三个月就一个新号段,平均每天 Business Opportunities / OPPORTUNITY Northwest Automotive Market “Money ” King unlimited In 2007, the number of civilian vehicles in Inner Mongolia increased from 147,300 in 1990 to 1,475,400, an increase of 10.6 times, an average annual increase of 15.5%. Among them, the number of private cars increased from 18,100 to 1,169,300, an increase of 63.6 times, an average annual increase of 27.8%. In Hohhot, the capital city in particular, car ownership increased by 53% in more than two years, with private car ownership up 66% and car ownership up to 300,000 by the end of 2008. From 2007 to 2008 Hohhot car license plate every three months on a new section, an average of each day