Study of Static Adsorption Capacity of ACF for Xenon at 201 K

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silawangyue
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The static adsorption performances of a series of active carbon fiber(ACF)for xenon at 201 K were measured with a model ASAP2010M specific surface area and aperture distribution instrument by changing the working gas of instrument from N 2 to Xenon. Compared with grain active carbon(GAC): (1) the adsorption performance of Viscose based ACF(VACF) adsorbents is better than that of GAC; (2) owing to the difference of aperture distribution, the adsorption performance of ACF with different radicales is different under the same experiment conditions though the specific surface area is similar; (3) there is no definite relationship between adsorption performance and specific surface area; (4) the VACF A2 is the superior xenon adsorbent at the experimental temperature. The static adsorption performances of a series of active carbon fibers (ACF) for xenon at 201 K were measured with a model ASAP2010M specific surface area and aperture distribution instrument by changing the working gas of instrument from N 2 to Xenon. Compared with grain active carbon (GAC): (1) the adsorption performance of Viscose based ACF (VACF) adsorbents is better than that of GAC; (2) owing to the difference of aperture distribution, the adsorption performance of ACF with different radicales is different under the same experiment (3) there is no definite relationship between adsorption performance and specific surface area; (4) the VACF A2 is the superior xenon adsorbent at the experimental temperature.
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