各位领导、先生、朋友、同志们: 在宝鸡市委、市政府的领导下,社会各界的大力支持下,经宝鸡炎帚研究会和社科联全体同志的精心组织,姜炎文化与周秦文化学术研讨会暨宝鸡炎帝研究会第三次年会今天隆重开幕了!这是宝鸡市文化和学术界的盛会和喜事,我代表陕西历史博物馆和丝绸之路研究所向大会的召开表示最热烈的祝贺!并预祝会议圆满成功!
Ladies and gentlemen, friends, and comrades, under the leadership of Baoji municipal party committee and municipal government and with the strong support from all walks of life, with the careful organization of the Baoji Broom Workshop and all the comrades of the Census Bureau, Jiang Yan and Zhou Qin The Symposium and the Third Annual Meeting of Baoji Yandi Research Institute were grandly opened today! This is a grand event and a happy event for the cultural and academic community in Baoji. On behalf of the Shaanxi History Museum and the Silk Road Institute, I hereby express my warmest condolences to the General Assembly Congratulations! And I wish the conference a complete success!