
来源 :食品与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:good240
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一般报道,芸豆食物中毒多在秋后霜期发生,而本县在七月上旬无霜期发生一起。为引起人们的重视,特报告如下: 1.中毒经过 1994年7月9日上午,曲周县四町油棉加工厂从市场买回10多公斤芸豆及鲜猪肉。食堂将大部分芸豆粗略摘洗一次即与买来的鲜猪肉一块炒煮。中午11时30分卖给64名男职工,下午2时许发生首例病人。至3~4时达到高峰,晚8时后终止发病,计41名发生中 It is generally reported that Kidney bean food poisoning occurs mostly in autumn after frost, and the county occurred in frost-free period in early July. To arouse people’s attention, special report is as follows: 1. Poisoning After the morning of July 9, 1994, Quzhou County Sicho oil cotton processing plant bought more than 10 kilograms of kidney beans and fresh pork from the market. Most of the canteen kidney beans can take a rough wash that is bought with a piece of fresh pork fried. It was sold to 64 men workers at 11.30 p.m. and the first patient took place at 2 p.m. To 3 to 4 when the peak, the incidence was terminated after 8 pm, accounting for 41 occurred
孵鸡、鸭吋,常因蛋不新鲜、未受精,或因温度、湿度不适宜,以至造成细菌感染而孵不出小鸡、小鸭,或胚胎停止发育。这种鸡蛋或鸭蛋俗称“死胎蛋”或“臭蛋”。 Chicken, duck
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