在1993年5月17~19日于Nashvnle举行的《粉末冶金与颗粒材料》国际会议上,Donald G White宣布,1992年的北美粉末冶金工业获大幅度增长。1992年金属粉末总销售量增长10.7%,达315300短吨,铁粉超过246000吨。铜粉和铜基粉末也增加12%,达20075短吨,其中粉末冶金用粉17400吨,增加了14%。但是,White警告,粉末冶金工业前景不容过份乐观,它仍然面临许多困难,特别是用户对质量和革新提出了更高的要求。同时,它也面临强大的竞争压力。另外,政府调控增加了,提高了医疗保险成本和环境保护成本,在执行SPC和其它质量保证措施时也增加了额外的费用。
At the International Conference on “Powder Metallurgy and Granular Materials,” held at Nashvnle, May 17-19, 1993, Donald G White announced that there had been a dramatic increase in the North American powder metallurgy industry in 1992. Total metal powder sales in 1992 increased by 10.7% to reach 315300 short tons, more than 246000 tons of iron powder. Copper powder and copper-based powder also increased 12% to 20075 short tons, of which powder metallurgy 17,400 tons, an increase of 14%. However, White cautions that the outlook for the powder metallurgy industry can not be overly optimistic, and it still faces many difficulties, especially as users place higher demands on quality and innovation. At the same time, it also faces strong competitive pressures. In addition, government regulation has increased, raising health insurance costs and environmental protection costs, adding additional costs to implementing SPC and other quality assurance measures.