我的女儿现已两岁。自从她稍稍懂点事起,只要她喜欢的东西就不让别人碰一下。别人善意地逗她一句:“给我吧?”她便会大喊大叫,眼睛一瞪,手往后猛地一躲。每当此时,都闹得我好尴尬,心里想:我和她爸都不是吝啬鬼,怎么生出这样一个自私的女儿?! 就在我百思不得其解时,有幸翻到《父母必读》1997年第1期上的“我这样纠正孩子的‘自私’”一文,并模仿着采用了如下措施:我把许多桔子放在小桌上,喊来了女儿,她跑来后大声欢呼起来:“桔子、桔子……”我看着她手舞足蹈的样子连忙说:“你把这两个桔子送伯父、伯母吃,然后回来到
My daughter is now two years old. Since she knew a little start, as long as she likes things will not let others touch. She kindly teased her: ”Give me?“ She will shout, eyes stare, hand suddenly hid a hide. Every time this time, I am so embarrassed, I thought: my father and I are not miser, how to give birth to such a selfish daughter? In my baffled, fortunate turned to ”parents must read “1997, No. 1,” I corrected my child’s ’selfishness’ and imitated the adoption of the following measures: I put a lot of oranges on the table and shouted my daughter, and after she came out loud Cheers up: “oranges, oranges ” I looked at her danced quickly said: "You send these two oranges for uncle, aunt eat, and then come back