
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxizi
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目的分析研究Ⅰ类切口手术采取目标性监测的临床应用价值。方法根据本院自行开发的目标性检测软件,采取乳腺、腹股沟疝以及甲状腺囊肿手术,从2011年起对手术切口感染率和采取抗菌药物合理性等相关临床指标采取目标性检测。结果到2013年11月,以上3种Ⅰ类切口手术部位的感染率没有变化,总体感染几率为0.67%。抗菌药物选择药物不符合率和服用时机不符合率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);随着抗菌药物采用率,治疗过程以及联合使用药物指标明显改善,平均住院费用、西药费用以及明显下降。结论Ⅰ类切口手术采取目标性监测方法,对其围手术期科学采取抗菌药物和控制相关感染起到良好促进作用。 Objective To analyze the clinical value of targeted monitoring of type Ⅰ incision. Methods According to the targeted detection software developed by our hospital, we took the breast, inguinal hernia and thyroid cyst surgeries. From 2011, we took the targeted test on the surgical incision infection rate and the rational clinical use of antimicrobial agents. Results By November 2013, there was no change in the infection rate of the above three surgical incision sites, and the overall infection rate was 0.67%. There was no significant difference between the rate of non-compliance of antimicrobial drug selection and the timing of taking drug (P> 0.05). With the adoption rate of antimicrobial drugs, the course of treatment and the index of combination drugs significantly improved, the average cost of hospitalization, . Conclusion Ⅰ type of incision surgery to take the target of monitoring methods for its perioperative science to take antibacterial drugs and control related infections play a good role in promoting.
一位曾经3次离异的女士对我说,她成功减肥15磅,苗条了许多,感觉自己看上去就像一个性感美丽的杂志封面女郎。更令她开心的是,一个帅气的男人开始跟她约会,她感觉一切都是那么美好——连天空也变得更加湛蓝。  看到她沉浸在愛情带来的喜悦中,我不禁莞尔,开始回想自己走过的30年婚姻历程。从结婚到现在,斯科特胖了整整40磅,他的前额慢慢变秃,脸上满是褶皱,臃肿的身材已经打上了常年加班加点工作的烙印。当然这家伙
从圣彼得堡乘火车到莫斯科要一个通宵。向不太懂英语的俄国人问路,一路比划着找到火车站,才发现自己是站在车站门口找车站。  这是列老式蒸汽火车,从已被淘汰的时代缓慢驶来,烟囱里冒出滚滚白烟。三名大兵穿过烟雾,头戴军帽、身穿军绿铆钉收腰长大衣,大头皮鞋敲击在地上,发出“硁硁”响声,烟的柔更显出人的刚。他们肩宽高大,外表冷峻,步态硬朗,面无表情地巡视着,坚毅得让人不敢接近。  最便宜的三等卧铺相当我国的硬