我们现在开始吧。 当沙奎尔·奥尼尔最终将那枚沉甸甸光灿灿的NBA总冠军戒指戴到自己硕大无比的手指上时,沙克让所有那些对他在重压之下的能力持怀疑态度的人全都闭上了嘴,并且昂首挺进到胜利者的行列。 现在惟一一个没有答案的问题便是,在他今后的生命中,还有多少这样?
Let’s start now. When Shaquille O’Neal eventually put the glittering NBA championship ring on his gigantic fingers, Shaq closed all those who were skeptical of his ability to under pressure Mouth, and head into the victorious ranks. The only unanswered question now is how much more is to be done in his future life?