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位于武汉市汉口鄱阳街139号的八七会议会址纪念馆,是一代伟人邓小平同志两次留下足迹的地方。当小平同志逝世的噩耗传来,纪念馆工作人员无限悲痛。我们追忆他的历史,缅怀他的功绩,景仰他的品格,表达对小平同志的无限崇敬和深切怀念。 1927年,中国革命形势急转直下,就在这严峻时刻,邓小平同志于6月下旬从 Located at 139 Poyang Street, Hankou, Wuhan, the venue for the August 7 meeting is a place where two generations of great people, Comrade Deng Xiaoping left footprints. When the sad news of the death of Comrade Xiaoping came, the memorial staff was extremely saddened. We recall his history, cherish his merit, admire his character, express his infinite respect and deep nostalgia for Comrade Xiaoping. In 1927, the situation in China was rapidly deteriorating. At this critical moment, Comrade Deng Xiaoping decided in late June
A tetranuclear erbium complex with pyridine-2,4,6-tricarboxylic acid(H3ptc), [Er4(ptc)4(H2O)18]·6H2O(1), has been synthesized by hydrothermal method. The compl
Twelve novel dithiocarbamates containing 1,2,3-trizaoles group were prepared via one step starting from organic halides, dithiocarbamic acid prop-2-ynyl ester,
In the present work we elucidate the thermodynamic mechanisms of femtosecond(fs)laser ablation of amorphous polystyrene by means of molecular dynamics(MD)simula
Introduction Coupled techniques such as HPLC-HG-AAS,HPLC-ICP-MS,HPLC-HG-AFS are widely used for arsenic speciation analysis in biosamples,during which pretreatment method usually plays a significant r
1材料1.1样品复方磺胺甲(口恶)唑片,规格:磺胺甲(口恶)唑0.4g甲氧苄啶80mg;批号:20040417 20040420 20040428,均由湖北德东药业有限公司生产。1.2菌种大肠埃希菌(Escherichia