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我国加入WTO在即。对发展中国家来说 ,加入WTO有两个条件 ,一是开放市场 ,二是接受WTO的规则。开放市场冲击经济 ,接受规则冲击法律。现在对于加入WTO以后对我国经济领域的影响 ,人们已经讨论了很多 ,但是对我国法律将要受到的冲击现在研究得还远远不够。毋庸置疑 China’s accession to the WTO soon. For developing countries, there are two conditions for joining the WTO. One is to open up the market and the other is to accept the WTO rules. Open markets impact the economy and accept rules that impact the law. Now that people have already discussed a great deal about the impact on China’s economy after China’s accession to the WTO, it is far from enough to study the impact our laws will be subjected to now. Needless to say