为弄清高黎贡山土壤微生物的分布状况,采用平板涂布分离培养方法等,对高黎贡山海拔1 000~3 500 m不同土地类型土壤微生物的组成及其特性进行了研究。结果表明:高黎贡山微生物资源组成中,细菌所占比例最大(80%~99%),其次是放线菌,真菌最少,高山草甸(>3 000 m)主要由细菌组成。在海拔1 800~2 500 m,常绿阔叶林发育良好,土壤微生物生长代谢旺盛,出现微生物数量最高值,土壤微生物活性强度随海拔降低而升高。经初步分离筛选,获得了蛋白酶产生菌、纤维素分解菌和固氮菌等土壤微生物功能菌。
In order to understand the distribution of soil microbes in Gaoligong Mountains and the methods of plate coating and isolation, the composition and characteristics of soil microorganisms in different types of land from 1 000 m up to 3 500 m in Gaoligong Mountains were studied. The results showed that the proportion of bacteria in Gaoligongshan was the highest (80% -99%), followed by actinomycetes, the least fungi, and the alpine meadow (> 3000 m) was mainly composed of bacteria. In the range of 1800-2 500 m, the evergreen broad-leaved forest developed well and the soil microbial metabolism was vigorous. The highest number of microorganisms appeared and the activity of soil microbial activity increased with the elevation decreasing. After preliminary separation and screening, we obtained functional bacteria of soil microorganisms such as protease-producing bacteria, cellulose-decomposing bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.