2月8日傍晚义乌市消防大队的官兵正在吃晚饭,突然警铃响起。通讯员报告,后宅一村火警。 15分钟后,消防官兵赶到宅一村,原来是村口的一棵大樟树烧了起来,熊熊的火焰从树干的几个洞里喷出,引燃了树枝。村民们着急地说:“这棵树有200多年了,是市政府挂牌保护的古树呀!” 火场指挥员根据燃烧情况,决定在大树对面的三楼顶上出一支水枪,这样就可以准确地打中着火点。果然,楼顶的水枪一出水,强大的水流一下子就把树上的火打灭了。可是几分钟后,火又从树干的几个洞里冒出。侦察
On the evening of February 8, officers and soldiers of the fire brigade in Yiwu City were eating dinner. Suddenly, the bell rang. Correspondent reports, after a village house fire. Fifteen minutes later, fire officers and soldiers rushed to Zhaiyi Village. It turned out to be a large camphor tree in the village entrance. The flames of fire burst from the holes in the trunk and ignited the branches. The villagers said anxiously: “This tree has more than 200 years. It is an ancient tree listed and protected by the municipal government.” According to the burning situation, the fire commander decided to put a water gun on the top of the third floor opposite the tree. Can accurately hit the fire point. Sure enough, the water gun on the roof of a water, powerful water suddenly put the tree out of fire. But a few minutes later, the fire came out of the holes in the trunk. reconnaissance