一、指导学生初读课文,利用工具书,疏通字词,理清结构层次,写出段落大意。教师收若干份作一精要讲评。读前先提示: 游记的作者抗战时期曾在山西打过游击。他怀着故地重游的喜悦,记叙了游览山西太原晋祠的所见所闻所感,还穿插写了一些民间传说,不仅描绘了美丽的景物,而且写出了历史的变迁,从而歌颂了祖国古代文明的灿烂和社会主义新时代的美好。
First, guide students to read the texts first, use the reference book, unblock words, clarify the structure level, and write paragraphs. The teacher receives a few important comments. Prompt before reading: The author of the Travels wrote a guerrilla in Shanxi during the War of Resistance. With the joy of returning to China, he recalled what he saw and heard from visiting Shanxi Jinyuan in Taiyuan, Shanxi. He also interspersed and wrote some folk legends. He not only painted beautiful scenery, but also wrote changes in history, thus extolling ancient China’s ancient history. The splendor of civilization and the beauty of a new era of socialism.