Spectrum-shaped Si-perovskite hybrid photodetectors for hyperspectral bioimaging

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a6231423
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Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) with rich spectral and spatial information holds potential for applications ranging from remote sensing to biomedicine. However, charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors used in conventional HSI systems suffer from inferior and unbalanced responsivity in the visible region, which is not a perfect choice for high-performance visible HSI. That is, conventional Si-based CCDs exhibit poor responsivity at short wavelengths (e.g., 400–600 nm) compared with that at longer wavelengths due to the nature of the indirect bandgap in silicon of around 1.1 eV. To solve this challenge, we introduce a CsPbBr3 perovskite layer to shape the spectrum of a Si/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction photodetector (PD), resulting in a fabricated Si-CsPbBr3 hybrid PD with enhanced responsivity at 400–600 nm. This results in an approximately flat spectral responsivity curve in the visible region (400–800 nm). Therefore, the stable Si-CsPbBr3 hybrid PD with a flat spectrum overcomes the shortcomings of traditional Si-based PDs and makes it more suitable for HSI. Further, we set up a first perovskite HSI system with high spectrum resolution and demonstrate potential applications for tumor detection and tissue identification. We believe that this perovskite optimization can be integrated into modern CCD, thus becoming a step in future CCD fabrication processes, which is a milestone for high-performance HSI systems.
在可见光谱区已观察到一次电离的Ge、Sn、Pb、In、Cd和Zn的脉冲激光作用。Cd、 Zn和Pb的新激光跃迁是由两位著者以前所作的两个研究报告的扩展产生的。3,900到8,000埃的波长范围已研究过。
We present a systematical study on comparison between water and dry coupling in photoacoustic tomography of the human finger joints. Compared to the direct water immersion of the finger for water coupling, the dry coupling is realized through a transparen
针对同时检测锌溶液中痕量Cu 2 、Co 2 浓度存在的灵敏度低、有效波段窄、光谱信号覆盖严重的问题,提出了一种多目标优化分数阶微分预处理方法。首先根据光谱特点确定影响Cu 2 、Co 2 同时检测的覆盖度和失真度,并拟合微分阶次与指标的函数关系、约束条件,然后基于多目标粒子群优化算法求解,最后对多目标优化微分阶数方法进行验证。结果表明:所
探讨了掺杂酸性络合剂和连续过滤两种溶液处理方法分别对KDP晶体和DKDP晶体快速生长和光学质量的影响, 测定了不同部位晶体样品的光学质量, 包括透过率, 散射点分布情况和激光的损伤阈值。实验表明适量的络合剂能提高生长晶体的质量:晶体中杂质金属离子含量明显减少, 紫外波段的透过率得到增加, 晶体内部散射点密度明显降低。采用连续过滤条件生长DKDP单晶, 光学质量测试的结果显示:晶体散射点密度显著降低, 激光损伤阈值得到提高。
破坏性疤痕会引起子宫颈内管狹窄,表现为宫颈外口针尖大小和鳞、柱状上皮连接的上移。这种情况通常由损伤、外科、热或冷烙术引起,常使宫颈切除产生并发症。据报导产生这种并发症的危险占1.3%~17.0%。为明确起见,当宫颈内管开口不大于2 mm直径时,则称为宫颈狭窄。宫颈狭窄并不常有宫颈粘膜减少和不育症发生,但常伴有痛经、子宫积血、子宫积脓和(或)子宫内膜炎。在宫颈狭窄合并妊娠的情况下,生产时宫颈不能扩张,产生子宫破裂的危险,因此必须剖腹产。
试图用传统方法把自由电子激光推向更短波长在技术上遇到了严重挑战。利用晶体摆动场辐射作为短波长相干光源引起了人们的广泛注意。利用Lindhard势, 在经典力学框架内把粒子运动方程化为广义Duffing方程, 利用平均法分析了粒子在次共振附近的运动行为; 并对系统的跳跃现象和临界特征进行了讨论。结果表明, 系统的稳定性与其参数有关, 只需适当调节这些参数, 稳定性就可以在原则上得到保证。
We demonstrate a photon counting laser ranging experiment with a four-channel single-photon detector (SPD). The multi-channel SPD improve the counting rate more than 4×107 cps, which makes possible for the distance measurement performed even in daylight.