在JJG555 -1996《非自动秤通用检定规程》中 ,给出标准砝码的替代法的规定 :当被测试秤最大秤量大于1t时 ,可使用其它恒定载荷替代标准砝码 ,前提是至少具备1t标准砝码 ,或是最大秤量50 %的标准砝码 ,两者中应取其大者 ,在以下条件下 ,标准砝码的数量可以减少
JJG555 -1996 “non-automatic scale general verification procedures,” gives the provisions of the standard method of substitution of the weight: When the scale is the largest weighed more than 1t, you can use other constant load instead of the standard weight, provided that at least 1t Standard weights, or standard weights that weigh up to 50% of the maximum weight, whichever is greater, reduces the number of standard weights under the following conditions