千溪自语青山笑,万树含黛入眼来。八月的孟滦大地,到处绿草如茵,花团锦簇,沟沟坡坡莽莽苍苍,犹如绿的波涛,绿的海浪,点缀得塞外大地生机勃勃,装扮得木兰围场分外妖娆。面对巍巍青山,潺潺流水,我总会想起艾青的诗句:“为什么我的眼中常含泪水,因为我对这片土地爱的深沉。” 这里就是我生活和工作的地方——孟滦林管局。——这里有一支林业建设队伍,用青春、用汗水、用自己的血肉之躯,同大自然进行了40年的搏斗,为木兰的沟沟川川披上了绿装,谱写了人类改造大自然的壮美诗篇。——这里有美丽的滦河源自然保护区,滦河的五条支流从这里流过,“母亲河”的乳汁养育了承德千万儿女。——这里有首都周围绿化苗圃、省级示范苗圃,有华北
Thousands of words self-help laughing, trees containing Dai into the eye. Mengluan in August the earth, everywhere green grass, flowers, gully slope vast, like green waves, green waves, embellished plug the earth outside the vibrant, extravagant enchanting dress Magnolia yard. In the face of towering mountains, gurgling water, I always think of Ai Qing’s poem: “Why I often have tears in my eyes, because I love this land deep. ” Here is where I live and work - Meng Luan Forest Authority. - There is a team of forestry workers who have spent 40 years battling nature with their youth and sweat and using their own flesh and blood to put on green garments for Mulan Gully, Nature’s Psalm. - There is a beautiful Luanhe Nature Reserve here. Five tributaries of the Luan River flow from here. The milk of “Mother River” has nourished the children of Chengde. - There are greening nurseries around the capital, provincial demonstration nurseries, and northern China