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一、越冬池条件 梭子蟹越冬池最好选用虾蟹混养池,池子水深2m以上,池底为泥沙底。在对虾收获后,保持池底清洁,无堆积的剩余饵料,进排水系统畅通,水质条件良好。 二、越冬梭子蟹的来源与数量 10月下旬对虾收获后,将原池养殖的梭子蟹留在池中进行越冬育肥。因原池中的梭子蟹已适应池中的环境,有利于提高越冬成活率。如果原池养殖的梭子蟹数量较少,也可从其它养殖池中加以补充。在对虾收获时,还应测量池中养殖的梭子蟹的规格、体重及数量,挑选肢体完整、健壮活泼、肥满度好的梭子蟹进行越冬育肥,每亩放养越冬蟹660~1000只。 First, the winter pool conditions Closure winter crab pool best choice for mixed ponds, crabs depth 2m above the bottom of the bottom of the mud. After the harvest of shrimp, keep the bottom of the pool clean, no accumulation of the remaining food, into the drainage system, water quality conditions. Second, the source and quantity of winter crabs shrimp after harvest in late October, the original pool of cultured crab stay in the pool for winter fattening. Because of the original pool of shuttle crab has been adapted to the environment in the pool will help improve the survival rate of overwintering. If the original pool breed a small number of crabs, but also from other ponds to be added. In shrimp harvesting, we should also measure the size, weight and quantity of the swimming crabs cultured in the pond. Select the complete, robust and full-fledged swimming crabs for overwintering fattening. 660-1000 winter crabs are stocked per mu.
著名学者余秋雨教授曾台湾中山大学演讲时 ,在呼吁当代青年学生“尽早把阅读当作一件人生大事” ,“把阅读范围延伸到专业之外” ,并且一再强调“要先找一些名著垫底”。余教