1大梁校正仪市场现状及发展趋势1.1大梁校正仪市场概况最近几年,车身大梁校正仪在国内的销售呈逐年增加的趋势,据权威机构统计,目前我国每年汽车大梁校正仪的需求量在1 000台左右,而且目前仍以5%~10%的速度增长。大梁校正仪可以分为:L型、地框型、传统框架型和通用平台型;同时根据大梁校正仪的价格又可将其分为低档(8万元以下)、中档(8万元~20万元)、高档(20万元以上)。1.2大梁校正仪总体市场走势分析
1 beam correction instrument market status and development trend 1.1 beam correction instrument market Overview In recent years, the body beam correction instrument sales in the country showed a trend of increasing year by year, according to statistics by authoritative institutions, the current annual demand for automobile beam correction instrument in China 1 000 or so, and is still growing at a rate of 5% ~ 10%. Beam calibrator can be divided into: L-type, frame type, the traditional frame-type and universal platform type; the same time, according to the beam correction instrument prices can be divided into low (80,000 yuan), mid-range Million), high (more than 200,000 yuan). 1.2 beam correction instrument overall market trend analysis