在閩西漳平县的丛山峻岭之中,在离鷹厦鉄路不远的一座高山之上,在古老的蒼松林里,一抔新鮮的黄土埋葬着一位不朽的侗族战士——共产党員龙均爵。他死了。但是他那短暫的年青的生命,仿佛是一股不息的火焰,永远在我們面前閃耀着光輝…… 1958年11月9日,是一个值得紀念的日子。这天午后,修建閩滇鉄路漳(平)泉(州)綫的鉄道兵某部战士龙均爵,带領桥工三分队的民工們,从大深工地收工回来了。今天他們又創造了“高产”紀录,民工們心里高兴,民工技术指导龙均爵心里更高兴。他們正喜滋
Among the mountains and valleys in Zhangping County in the west of Fujian Province, on a mountain not far from Yinghaku Kiln Road, an immortal Dong warrior, a communist dragon Grand Mercure. he died. But his short, young life seemed like an endless flame, always shining brightly before us ... On November 9, 1958, it was a memorable day. After this afternoon, the migrant workers who built the third division of Longtoujian, a soldier of the Dingdao department on the Zhangping (Spring) Route of the Zhangping (Quan) Spring in the Fujian-Yunnan Railway Station, came back from the Great-Shenzhen site. Today they have created a record of “high yield.” Migrant workers are glad to see that the technical guidance of migrant workers is even more pleasing to the mind of Long. They are happy