For a long time in the past, academics generally believed that the climax of the European revolution after the First World War was the climax of the proletarian revolution. In fact, this understanding does not meet the specific circumstances of European countries at the time. This article argues that the climax of this revolution is a collection of various types and various types of revolutionary movements, mainly including the forms of the proletarian revolution, the bourgeois democratic revolution and the advanced country’s campaign for democratic power. In these three movements, the bourgeoisie The democratic revolution and the movement of the advanced countries for their democratic power constitute the main body of this revolutionary movement. The proletarian revolutionary movement must never be expanded because of the climax of the revolution. The entire climax is the proletarian revolutionary movement. Therefore, historical analysis and quantitative research on this climax of revolution can not replace the revolutionary nature of the various countries with the unity of the revolutionary upsurge.