Conflict is the foundation of Western culture. Thanks to the irreversible tension between Athens and Jerusalem, the Western tradition has retained its vitality. Both western philosophy and biblical faith have promised to be able to answer one of the most personal questions (how should I live), and when philosophy is to know good by unreduced human reason, it is accepted by the people as being divine Relatively gentle love of law. The two answers are mutually exclusive. But there are always people who repeatedly try to reconcile this opposition so that they can bow down. But few are able to synthesize philosophy and religion just as they are unlikely to synthesize philosophy and history. Reconciliation between philosophy and religion may only be possible through the partial abandonment of one of its fundamental demands by one of the two unilateral subordinates or by one of its two powerful competitors. Otherwise, either philosophy becomes a theological niece or vice versa. Most of the Western tradition is in this effort, or in the face of opponents strongly justify their own,