市场经济的核心是市场,拥有市场,企业便能在市场经济大潮中求生存谋发展。市场不会凭空而来,需要采取各种有效的方法策略去获取占领。在这方面,西方的优秀企业给了我们很多有益的启示。 引导需求 创造市场 美国邓·布雷斯儿童用品公司经综合研究发现,现在年轻人结婚时间越来越晚,生孩子也较晚,并且工作忙,业余娱乐活动又多,不喜欢花时间做家务,由此断定,年轻夫妇生育前参加工作的时间长,赚的钱多,花在孩子身上的钱也多,并且更愿意使用方便性儿童
The core of the market economy is the market. With the market, companies can seek survival and development in the tide of the market economy. The market does not come out of thin air. It requires various effective methods and strategies to gain occupation. In this regard, the outstanding Western companies have given us a lot of useful inspiration. Guiding Demand to Create Markets According to a comprehensive study conducted by Deng Bresi Children’s Products Company in the US, young people are getting married late, getting children late, and are busy with work and leisure activities. They do not like to spend time doing housework. It was concluded that young couples spend a long time in work before giving birth, earn more money, spend more money on their children, and are more willing to use the convenience of children