抚顺石化公司石油一厂在生产经营中 ,注重抓好影响效益的“源头”和制约生产的“瓶颈”,通过狠抓计量管理 ,取得了提高计量准确度、产品质量、经济效益“一石三鸟”的效果。抚顺石油一厂是一家具有1 8万名职工的国家特大型企业 ,虽然已于1996年通过ISO9002质量体
In the production and operation of Fushun Petrochemical Company’s No. 1 Oil Plant, it focused on grasping the “source” of influencing profits and the “bottleneck” of restricting production, and by earnestly improving the measurement accuracy, product quality, and economic efficiency, “three birds with one stone” were achieved. "Effect. Fushun Petroleum No. 1 Plant is a national super-large enterprise with 18,000 employees, although it passed ISO9002 quality body in 1996.