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秋菊选择适用外部正式的法律,就应当接受这种不以她意志为转移的更大体系的规则。外部法律的处理方式具有相当的合理性,其没有给秋菊她所想要的,是秋菊的尴尬,而不是法律的尴尬。秋菊要求村长给说法/道歉未必是个合理请求,她有意无意地试图在一定程度上消解村长的权威。而面子这种文化资产对村长来说更有价值,给村长面子更能维护村民权益。村民不支持秋菊的做法,乃是由于秋菊的无节制破坏了村里已然存在的、并非不合理的互相预期。从这个意义上,普法教育、送法下乡的真谛,在于准确告知村民他们可以从外部规则体系中得到什么,从而更好地选择适用之。 Qiu Ju chose to apply the formal laws of the outside world and he should accept such a larger system of rules that she would not shift. The treatment of external law is quite reasonable, it does not give Qiuju what she wants, is the embarrassment of Qiu Ju, rather than the embarrassment of law. Qiu Ju asked the village chief to give an explanation / apology may not be a reasonable request, she consciously or unconsciously tried to some extent, to dispel the village authority. The face of this cultural assets of the village chief is more valuable to the village face more able to safeguard the rights and interests of villagers. The fact that villagers do not support Qiu Ju is not an unreasonable expectation because Qiu Ju’s intemperate destruction of the village already exists. In this sense, the essence of popularization education and sending the law to the countryside lies in accurately informing the villagers what they can get from the external system of rules so as to better choose their application.
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沪东造船厂工程技术人员运用电子计算机技术,帮助解放军某部开发后 Hudong Shipyard engineering and technical personnel using computer technology to help the PLA af
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本案为上诉案件。原审案件由哥伦比亚地区法院Rosemary M.Collyer法官审判,原审案件编号为07-CV-974。判决时间:2013年5月10日。阅读提示计算机软件相关发明的专利适格性问题
编辑同志: 最近从报刊上看到《公民国防义务手册》出版发行的消息后,我们感到很兴奋。因为目前社会上流传的国防教育的书很多,有不少是粗制滥造的,缺乏权威性。而《公民国防
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