1990年系统动力学国际会议,于7月10日至13日在美国著名文化名城波士顿的派麦勒学院召开.1983年,第一届系统动力学国际会议就是在这里召开的,并在会间正式成立了国际系统动力学学会。因此,总结系统动力学7年来的成就,表彰为学科发展作出突出贡献的研究人员,也是这次会议的一个主题。 这次会议开得隆重而热烈。来自30多个国家的约120名论文作者,美国政府机构、公司企业和高等
The International Conference on System Dynamics in 1990 was held at the Collier Mills College in Boston, a famous American cultural city, from July 10th to 13th. In 1983, the first International Conference on System Dynamics was held here and in between Formally established the International System Dynamics Society. Therefore, summing up the achievements of system dynamics over the past seven years and commending researchers who have made outstanding contributions to the development of disciplines is also a theme of this conference. The meeting was grand and enthusiastic. About 120 authors from more than 30 countries, U.S. government agencies, companies, and companies