药品是防病治病的特殊商品 ,国家制定的药品管理法律法规 ,对药品经营企业实行许可证管理制度 ,是规定企业必须具备一定条件并取得《药品经营许可证》等合法证照后方可经营药品。但近年来 ,因多种原因的影响 ,我县药品市场上出现了形式各异的无证经营药品行为 ,且屡禁不止 ,这
Drugs are special commodities for prevention and treatment of diseases. The laws and regulations on drug administration formulated by the state and the permit management system for drug-controlled enterprises stipulate that enterprises must have certain conditions and obtain legal licenses such as “drug business licenses” before they can run pharmaceuticals . However, in recent years, due to a variety of reasons, various forms of undocumented pharmaceutical products have emerged in the pharmaceutical market in our county, and they have been repeatedly banned