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曾牧野是我省著名经济学家,广东省社会科学院研究员,广东经济学会会长。曾牧野研究员从1951年开始涉足社会科学领域,到现在已整整50年。他在50年的学术。科研生涯中,一直勤奋工作,刻苦钻研,深入实际调研,孜孜不倦写作,取得了数百万字的学术成果。改革开放以来,曾牧野研究员更是倾尽全力从事学术研究和推动社会科学事业发展。从十一届三中全会以来,曾牧野研究员先后在报刊上发表的科研成果达150多篇,100多万字。1989年结集出版个人论著《沿海新潮与广东改革》(30万字),其中有5篇论文获国家级或省级优秀成果奖;1995年与李克华、李新家合著《邓小平市场经济理论与广东实践》一书,获中国图书奖;1998年出版《新路——经济随笔与短文集》(33万字);1999年出版《市场经济与体制改革》(45万字);2000年,与刘开云、李乃君合著《中国市场经济与所有制结构》一书(25万字)。此外,由曾收野研究员王编或参与主编的论著还有:《迈向九十年代的经济特区》、《前进中的中国经济特区》、《广东省经济体制改革研究》、《广东经济发展战略研究》、《广东改革的经济学思考》、《市场经济与产权制度改革》、《社会主义所有制理论与实践》、《广东社会科学四十年》、《广东百科全书(经济篇)》、《广东二十年经济发展的理论思考》等。曾牧野研究员在经济学基础理论与宏观经济、社会主义市场经济理论、体制改革理论以及中国经济特区理论方面的研究都有自己独到的见解,提出了许多有利于我国改革开放和加快经济建设的新观点,为繁荣和丰富我国经济学理论作出了很大贡献。1992年,曾牧野被批准为有突出贡献享受政府津贴的专家。曾收野研究员在50年学术生涯中,不仅取得了丰硕的研究成果,而且作为行政领导、学术团体负责人和学科带头人,为推动广东的社会科学特别是经济学的发展和培养后辈做了大量的工作。为了反映曾牧野研究员50年学术生涯,尤其是改革开放后对经济理论的贡献,我们将在下文中介绍曾牧野研究员在改革开放后主要研究领域及其主要观点,以飨读者。 Zeng Makino is a famous economist in our province, researcher of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences and president of Guangdong Economic Association. Makino Makino has been involved in the field of social science since 1951, and now it has been 50 years. His 50 years of academic. In his career, he has been working diligently, studying hard, conducting practical research, writing diligently and earning millions of words of academic achievement. Since Reform and Opening up, Professor Makino has made every effort to engage in academic research and promote the development of social sciences. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Prof. Makino Pastor has successively published more than 150 scientific research achievements in the press, with more than 1 million words published. In 1989, he published and published his personal article “Coastal Trends and Reform in Guangdong” (300,000 words), of which 5 papers won the national or provincial Outstanding Achievement Award; Li Kehua and Li Xinjia in 1995 co-authored with Deng Xiaoping Theory of Market Economy and Guangdong Practice “A book, won the China Book Award; published in 1998,” New Road - essays and essays “(330,000 words); published in 1999” market economy and system reform “(450,000 words); 2000, and Liu Kaiyun, Co-author of ”China’s market economy and ownership structure,“ a book (250,000 words). In addition, Wang Zengren received a series of editors or editor-in-chief of his articles: ”Towards the 1990s Special Economic Zones“, ”Moving forward in China’s Special Economic Zones“, ”Study on the Reform of Guangdong’s Economic System,“ ”Guangdong Economic Development Strategic Studies “,” Economic Thinking of Guangdong Reform “,” Reform of Market Economy and Property System “,” Theory and Practice of Ownership of Socialism “,” Social Science of Guangdong for 40 Years “,” Guangdong Encyclopedia (Economic Articles) “Guangdong twenty years of economic development theory” and so on. Researcher Zeng Makino has his own unique insights on the basic economics theory, macroeconomics, socialist market economy theory, institutional reform theory and the study of China’s special economic zones and put forward many new proposals that are conducive to China’s reform and opening up as well as speeding up economic construction Point of view, made a great contribution to the prosperity and enrichment of China’s economic theory. In 1992, Zeng Makino was approved as an expert with outstanding contributions and government grants. In his 50-year academic career, he has received not only fruitful research results, but also as an executive leader, head of academic organizations and academic leader, in order to promote the development of Guangdong’s social sciences, especially economics, and train junior students A lot of work. In order to reflect Professor Tomoko Makino’s academic career over the past 50 years, especially its contribution to economic theory after the reform and opening up, we will introduce the main research areas and key points of view of Professor Tomo Makino after the reform and opening up in the text below.
该来的终究会来。  4月29日,乐视网(300104.SZ)发布公告称,因“涉嫌信息披露违法违规等行为”,公司及第一大股东贾跃亭已于4月26日和4月29日分别收到证监会下发的《调查通知书》,“在立案调查期间,公司及贾跃亭先生将积极配合中国证券监督管理委员会的调查工作,并严格按照监管要求履行信息披露义务。”  对那些期待正义降临的人而言,這是一个迟到的好消息,但对那些期待奇迹发生的投资者来说,这是一
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