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三、卿大夫世族内部的宗法制度世族,就是指从原始宗法制家族和宗族组织中发展起来的、其族长世代以嫡长子身分继承地位的宗法贵族统治的宗族集团。周天子分封出去的诸侯,最初可能是一个氏族规模的世族,后来诸侯势力扩大后分封出去的所谓“公子”的后代,也逐当形成为一个世族。这种“公子”有两重性,他对诸侯来讲是宗族成员,对继承诸侯地位的嫡长子来讲是弟兄关系。“公子”虽是大宗的宗族成员,但他自己却是小宗,受到身为大宗的嫡长子的统率,对大宗是隶属关系;但是“公子”对由自己开始的本家族成员来讲,又是世族组织的起点。“公子”就是“别子”,《礼记·丧服小纪》:“别子为祖,继别为宗,继祢者为小宗”,反映了“别子”生活的时代是 Third, the family within the clan system of the Qing emperor Clan system refers to the patriarchal clan developed from the patriarchal clan system and clan organization and under the patriarchal clan rule whose patriarch inherits the status as the eldest son. The princes whom Ch'en Chien-chi seized out were originally a clan-scale clan, and later the descendants of the so-called “son-son” who were seperated by the expansion of princes were also gradually formed into a family of clans. This kind of “son” has the dual character. He is a member of the clan in terms of princes and a brother-brother relationship to the eldest son who inherits the status of princes. Although the “son” is a large clan member, he himself is a small one, subject to being the mastermind of the eldest son's rate and affiliation to the bulk; however, “son” is a member of this family Is the beginning of the family organization. “Son” is the “other son”, “Book of Rites mourning clothes minor”: “Do not make an exception for the ancestral, following as the case, following you as the minor”, reflecting the “do not sub” life is