为适应未来战争的需要,缩小与美国、以色列等无人机先进国家的差距,俄罗斯也加快了无人机的研制和装备步伐。发展过程俄罗斯(前苏联)无人机的发展大致可分为以下3个阶段: 第一阶段(20世纪50年代后期~70年代初)主要研制战略无人机。50年代后期,前苏联图波列夫设计局成立了一个专门研制各种无人飞行器的“K”处,并在2年后研制第一种战略无人机图-121。该无人机在50年代末完成试验定型并准备投入批量生产,但由于种种原因,该项目被取消。
In order to meet the needs of future wars and narrow the gap with UAV advanced countries such as the United States and Israel, Russia has also accelerated the pace of development and equipment of the UAV. Development Russia (former Soviet Union) UAV development can be broadly divided into the following three stages: The first stage (from the late 1950s to early 1970s) the main development strategy drones. In the late 1950s, the Design Bureau of the former Soviet Union Tupolev set up a “K” department dedicated to the development of various UAVs and developed the first strategic UAV Tu-121 two years later. The drone was finalized and put into mass production in the late 1950s, but the project was canceled for a variety of reasons.