Over the years, after years of research, thousands of acupuncture experience, clinical verification of more than 2000 hospitals across the country, founded the traditional medicine and modern medicine in the Acupuncture combined with a field of modern acupuncture, that is, balance acupuncture. Has treated 248 cases of frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, diabetes, Lyme facial paralysis and other diseases 248 kinds of treatment of more than 400,000 people at home and abroad, the effective rate of 99%, the clinical cure rate of 86%, a needle cure rate of 11% . At the same time, it carried out more than 300 new technologies such as balanced massage, balanced cupping, balanced psychology and balanced diet, published 230 academic papers, published 6 monographs and won 15 military scientific and technological progress awards. Has been rated as “Beijing Military Region civilian cadre pacesetter”, “Yucai active expert”, “advanced science and technology individual”, “outstanding communist”, “learning Lei Feng advanced individual”, “Capital Spirit Medal Medalist”, “the country’s first self- Become a successful pacesetter ”and enjoy the special allowance of the State Council; establish second-class work 2 times and third-class work 3 times. He is a medical expert with double virtue. In the environment of market economy, his deeds and his example are all worth learning.