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1992年意大利政经腐败案,震惊了整个西方世界。据意大利灵都艾钠乌迪研究资料显示,意大利各政党每年非法收入高达83亿美元,特别是在案发的近十五年中更高达1250亿美元,相当于意大利全国国债的总收入的金额。当阳光法案在法庭频频曝光后,善良的人们还没有想到在政府的各个部门、机关、办公室、公司、工地、街道……无论白天和黑夜、在天空中和地面及地铁里面的社会每一个角落,都有人搞政经交易、支付着回扣。据当年结案披露:意大利政经贿赂腐败案涉及了主要的十多座城市,仅米兰、罗马、那不勒斯、威尼斯等著 The case of corruption in Italian politics in 1992 shocked the entire Western world. According to the research conducted by Italy’s Linguya Ai-Uddi, the annual illegal profits of Italian political parties are as high as 8.3 billion U.S. dollars, especially as high as 125 billion U.S. dollars in the recent 15 years of the incident, equivalent to the total amount of Italian national debt . When the Sunshine Act is frequently exposed in court, good people have not thought of it in every part of the government, government agencies, offices, companies, construction sites, and streets ... no matter in the sky or in the sky, in the sky or in the ground and in the subway , All engage in political and economic transactions, pay the rebate. According to the disclosure of the year, the case of bribery and corruption in Italy involved in more than ten major cities, only Milan, Rome, Naples, Venice and other
“全国十大读书人物”“湖北省十佳阅读推广人”“黄冈市十大杰出老人”“五星级农家书屋”“全国文化体制改革先进单位”“全国示范农家书屋”……如此多的称号和荣誉,让今年76岁的汪新民“既羞愧又汗颜”:“我只是一名再普通不过的农村退休教师,一名最基层的农家书屋管理员,一名超了龄的政协委员,我所做的事情都是一些普通的工作。”  这位普通的退休教师创办了一个普通的农家书屋,用14年的坚持,成就了不普通,他把文