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2006年6月24日是香港特区行政长官曾荫权宣誓就任一周年的日子。他于24日在电台节目“香港家书”中,以题为《走出礼宾府》的文章和市民分享了一年来的感受。曾荫权先生出身平民,年轻时曾做过推销员,25岁投考港英政府公务员之位,在众多英裔人员中脱颖而出,其面试时机智、流利的口才深深打动了在座英人。之后的发展也表明,曾先生口 June 24, 2006 is the first anniversary of the sworn election of Chief Executive Donald Tsang of Hong Kong SAR. On the 24th, on the radio program “Hong Kong Books ”, he shared with the public his article about the year with an article titled “Get out of the Government House.” Mr Donald Tsang, a civil servant, came to work as a salesman when he was a young man. At the age of 25, he applied for the position of civil servant in the Hong Kong British government and stood out among a number of British-speaking staff. His witty and fluent eloquence at the interview severely impressed the present British. After the development also shows that Mr. Tsang mouth